Van Anh.
My story
I was a freshman in Communication and Advertising before entering RMIT university. I didn't know how to use editing software, I didn't have a definition of agency.
Currently, I am a 3rd-year Professional Communication student, everything has changed a lot. I have matured and have a more professional style in my chosen field.
I am a person who likes to arrange work in a certain order, likes to communicate and expand my relationship. Gradually, I realized that I was compatible with the Communication Industry, especially at the Account and Planning Department.
I have been able to work with the software: Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, ... Starting from small projects in the club, I am just a staff member working on events and projects for the school under the leadership of executives in the club. After that, completing assignments in each subject also helped me improve my skills. Fusion is the first real-life project I have ever joined, when I have been at RMIT for 2 semesters. Through that project, I found a greater passion for the Communication industry.
Currently, I am the co-founder of Hi2high Creative Agency and take the role of Account Manager. I have been changing my personal image on social networks. I build a dynamic, inspirational and positive image for everyone along with professional vibes. After each project is completed, I reflect back to find out my strengths and weaknesses, then record it in my portfolio.
"Try to be a rainbow in someone else's cloud" - this quotes that suit me well. I always want to leave an impression or something special in everyone's heart.
In the future, I plan to continue to develop the skills I already have and learn more new skills such as copywriting, languages, etc to reinforce the position of Account Manager that I am aiming for.
My role
In both working and studying environment, I found myself mostly taking in Account Coordinator and Strategic Planner position. After reflecting back on myself, here are some of my significant traits which included my strengths and why I am suitable for those position
I'm a Theorist.
I usually like to work systematically. My dream is in the position of Account and Planner, I always follow the plan. Before doing anything I consider carefully the situations, as well as what theories are suitable for practice. I often apply what I learned in class to do projects without changing anything. Everything in a project is work with the flow and I will be the supervisor and quality control
I'm a Visual and Kinesthetic learner
I often have a habit of taking notes and making a complete document after meetings or at school. Every day, I am using bullet journal to take notes of daily tasks to complete. I like to use color highlighters and take notes by drawing pictures, or use cute stickers to make things easier on the eyes. I prefer to see beautiful things than to hear good things. I receive information more easily through pictures.
I'm a Assertive communication
I am a straightforward person. When I am not satisfied or see something wrong, I will say it without holding it in my heart. I always express my point of view from the beginning, then listen to people's opinions and combine them to get the best results in each job.
I'm a Influencer
In a group, I don't like silence. So I was the first to talk and make people connect. I use my feelings more to convince everyone on the team. I am also the one who always recommends bonding sessions so that everyone can relax after work. In the team, I am always the person that all members come to confide and share stories.
I have Verbal-linguistic, Musical intelligence
I love to read books, everything related to text has a special attraction to me. I learn languages very quickly, this is my special ability. I am also good at texting, sending mail rather than verbal expression. Besides, music is also an indispensable part of my life. I love to dance, I love to play the piano. I can feel each melody because it affects my emotions.
In a team, I am a Monitor Evaluator, Implementer, Resource Investigator.
In the team, I have always been the one to keep the point of view and proceed in a straight line. Everything I am clearly divided, on a timeline and specific plans for each part. I am an extrovert and always look for conditions that are conducive to people to grow and work effectively. I have the main responsibility in pushing people to work on schedule,